Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vimeo Account Update!

Hey, everyone!

This is just a heads-up to let y'all know that my Vimeo account address has been changed to! Hope you guys will stop by there and take a gander-- I just uploaded my music video project, and there should be more to come in the near future :D

Muffins for everyone!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Adventures in Fudgies-Land

Hey, all!
I know that this post is long overdue, but I PROMISE that I haven't been shirking my updating duties for just anything. In case you didn't know, I've been powering up my video muscle, and you can expect to see some video projects from me very shortly! I have to say, I never thought that video shooting and editing would be my cup of tea, but it's definitely been growing on me :]

I also have a new comic from this past month-- it's called "Not Again." It's a fun tale of what happens when a dog, Pook, gets left alone during the day. If you're a fan of dogs questioning their sanity, then I know you're going to love this one. I had a lot of fun writing and illustrating "Not Again", and I definitely think it shows. I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to post the whole thing online, but I'll at least give you all a little taste. Check out my website in a while for more info... but don't go quite yet. I'm actually not at home-base right now, which makes updating rather difficult. BUT! I plan on printing copies of "Not Again" in the prettiest of fashions, so be sure to keep a lookout for awesome things to buy, love, and cherish for years to come! Please help me buy things to make more things with? ... please?

Speaking of buying things, I had feared that Nabisco had stopped making their Fudgies Oreos altogether, but apparently my local Meijer is just the devil incarnate and stopped carrying them. Luckily Minnesota still stocks them, so guess who's coming back to Michigan with a trunk full of Fudgies? WAN-TSUNAMI, THAT'S WHO! Also, I may or may not be lugging a bunch of nifty popcorn flavors along with me. (If that isn't riddled with bathroom humor, then I'm not sure what is.) But, in all seriousness, salt and vinegar popcorn? Please. I was sold before I was even sold on that idea. Anyway, keep an eye out for some fun stuff heading your way. Ed and I have been planning some sweet makeover ideas for the website, so it should be looking dope later this summer. Prepare for videos, doodles, comics, new paintings, and MORE. It's the more that makes it superior to your other artistic brands. Until later, guys.



PS: Here's one of that-thar videos I was talking about. Check it out, and I'll have some more for you in a while!

PPS: I almost forgot! I have been fiddling around with digital photography this summer as well. Here are my highlights from my course, and keep an eye on my Flickr account if silly photos are your thing.