Friday, March 9, 2012

Je suis...

Meow Cheri! 

I feel like the more I mess around with Photoshop, the worse my atrocities become.

I have no explanation. I just wanted to try out the typical fancy-cultured-blog motif, and I think we all can see how that turned out.

You know you want a copy of this.
I told you "maybe," and HERE I AM! You're welcome, again.

Maybe next time you'll listen to me,


Thursday, March 8, 2012

And now, this brief commercial message.

We have infiltrated your T.V. set.
Hey, guys.  Just a few things that need to be brought to your attention.

First off,


This does not mean that I will be missing out on Shuto-Con this coming weekend, so pity my illness and come by my table if you happen to be attending the awesome event. We can sniffle together with pride and dignity. PLUS! If you stop by, you can get one of my new, pretty business cards. I spiffed up the design just a tweeny, weeny bit, and they are JUST RIGHT.

So, free business cards, awesome comics, and I will draw pretty much anything you want for a very reasonable price. I'm just. that. nice. That's really about all I have for you tonight. The sickness is spreading uncontrollably through my poor Wan-Tsunami body, so on that gooey note I bid thee adieu. Until tomorrow, maybe. Maybe.

