Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Coconuts and Loose Change

Hey, everybody--

I hope that everyone is doing well. Me? Well, aside from a harrowing dream that I just experienced, I'm pretty dandy, thank-you-very-much. You see, this wasn't just any ordinary dream. It was one of those makes-you-question-the-state-of-your-life kind of dreams. It started out like any ordinary dream about work would-- the whiny customers, but unexpected burns, typical, right? Well, in saunter these two girls, and my dream self KNEW that they meant trouble. After some finagling, one of them notices our coconut syrup on the counter, and insists that we use it in her drink. I stated that the coconut syrup is for employees only until a certain date, after which she plummets into an inconsolable fit. I have no idea what do to-- I'm Diana, for God's sake, so I grab one of my co-workers for help. Oh, did I mention that no one in this dream was making any sense? I might have forgotten that bit. One of them was somewhere searching for his pants, and the others were flouncing about in a gelatinous fashion. Well, I guess that isn't too far from real life, actually. After all the hullabaloo had passed, one of the coconut girls decided to pay for her very LARGE order in loose change. Normally, I would fashion my dream-self to be quite level-headed, but I was proven wrong after I flew into a mighty rage, so mighty, that I woke myself up with my fury.

Now awake, I stared off into space for a bit, mostly to try to figure out why I was so enraged. I made eye contact with the cat, who still doesn't give a care about me. Then, the sad, sad realization hit me-- I just had a nightmare about work, coconuts, and pennies. This is going to be an interesting Wednesday.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Lordy, Lordy

Hey, everyone! It's been too long since I dropped by here, so I figured that I should fill my poor blog in on the latest goings-on. Recently, I've been pretty bogged down with school and work, so a couple of projects of mine have been slow in the making. However, I promise that they're going to be absolutely fantastic once they're finished :D

In better news, the spring semester is almost done, which gives me a good week or so before summer classes begin. I'm going to be studying under Ryan Claytor again (which should be a pleasure and much needed experience), as well as learning about "the Digital Image" and film and audio basics. It's kind of strange, actually-- this semester is my last with the "fine arts," and I honestly feel that the split is mutual. We are probably better off seeing other people at this point. I promise (maybe) to update later, but we'll see. With exams, a game night, and Rammstein on the horizon, Wan-Tsunami is booked pretty solid. ;] Until later, Bloggums.
