Hey, everyone! It's been too long since I dropped by here, so I figured that I should fill my poor blog in on the latest goings-on. Recently, I've been pretty bogged down with school and work, so a couple of projects of mine have been slow in the making. However, I promise that they're going to be absolutely fantastic once they're finished :D
In better news, the spring semester is almost done, which gives me a good week or so before summer classes begin. I'm going to be studying under Ryan Claytor again (which should be a pleasure and much needed experience), as well as learning about "the Digital Image" and film and audio basics. It's kind of strange, actually-- this semester is my last with the "fine arts," and I honestly feel that the split is mutual. We are probably better off seeing other people at this point. I promise (maybe) to update later, but we'll see. With exams, a game night, and Rammstein on the horizon, Wan-Tsunami is booked pretty solid. ;] Until later, Bloggums.
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