Tuesday, December 13, 2011

They Call me Rasp-utin.


Happy Tuesday, everyone. I am so thrilled to be done with my school work. If I had a clever analogy prepared, you can bet I would've dropped it RIGHT HERE. However, I don't have one. So... how 'bout them Knicks?

I've prepared some goodies for you guys! Right here, I have a little summin' I call "Tonight."

Ain't it purdy? I would just KILL to have that on a t-shirt (WINK WINK.) Eh, who am I kidding? I am terrible at winking.

I've been drawing a lot of Ivan, lately. He's my little cat-nephew-thing while my sister is traveling. He will probably be staying with me until February or so, which makes my home a cozy haven for three, count 'em, three animals. Whoop...ie. Pie. Anyway, here are a couple of doodles I've done of him pretty recently.

Well, I have to go water the plants (that's a lie.) I will post more stuff late (also a possible lie.) Sorry.
Go Forth and CONQUER. Also, vote for me on Projekt30 before the 18th. DO IT NOW.


-The Great Wan-Tsunami

1 comment:

  1. Dig the cat drawrings. So expressive and old-man-y. I also voted a 5 for you (I think that was the number of most good). Best of luck on the Projekt30 contest.

    Ryan Claytor
    Elephant Eater Comics
