Sunday, February 5, 2012

MSU Comics Forum 2012 and Cat-a-lloons

Happy Stooper-Bowel Sunday, everyone!

Although I am not currently viewing the infamous football game, it HAS freed up a lot of time for me to dink around with coloring doodles. So take that, sports and whatnot. Your efforts were wasted upon this lazy blob.

On a different note, yesterday was the MSU Comics Forum, at which I tabled this year. Ignore the fact that "tabling" makes it seem like I acted as a surrogate table for the whole time. I'll tell you this much-- I did not, I repeat, DID NOT become a table over the weekend. Quite to the contrary, actually. I, unlike a table, met many new friends, spotted some familiar faces from S.P.A.C.E., and drew many, many things. Can your filthy, worthless table do that? I THINK NOT. On side(table) note, here's one of those things that I did THAT YOUR TABLE CANNOT.
Cats as balloons! Who would've thought? (I know, I know, you're thinking "Not my table!") There will be several other images similar in interest to this one coming up, so stay tuned. I'll try to keep things not-boring until then. However, you gotta' cut me some slack. With the short attention span of youse-kids these days, what's a Wan-Tsunami to do, huh? I personally have no idea. Maybe someone can enlighten me. Well, sorry, guys, but that's all I have. Enjoy your unhealthy snacks, commercials, and beer-infused antics. I'm off to eat more of the cookie cake that I bought on a whim.

I know you're jealous,

<3 Wan-Tsunami

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