Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Oh, hi doggy. 

It's been a little while, yes? Well, here I am, back again, and boy did I miss you! Here are a few things that I've been working on, and I like to drop you a present every now and then for being SO GREAT. Lately, my entries for the Shuto-Con t-shirt and badge/booklet contest have been taking up most of my doodle-time. I posted a few drafts of those last entry (in case you're inclined to love on them) (like I do daily) However, I also like to distract myself from what I am supposed to be doing with what I WANT to do, so... here are some of those distractions.

I don't know what to say about this guy... other than I love him.

This is still a draft, but I needed a small project to make me smile. I'll see if I work on it any more. 

Aye, the glorious pook is a fickle beast.

This guy is still in progress too, but his title is thus:
"Jack the Jackal and Al the Jackal, the Shackled Jackals" 

Still a draft, a party of spikey buddies! 

That's it for now, folks. I'm going to post about holiday commissions online, but hey-- if anyone reading this wants some nice, affordable commissions done, please contact me! I'd love to help be Santa. I'm getting started on that cookie addiction as we speak. 


Monday, November 26, 2012

So Many Thanks for Giving (to you)


I hope that everyone had a great time with their family, friends, and/or food. I had a great time with all three! I also have a few presents for you to thank you for being so supportive of little ol' me. Seriously, you are pretty radical, person that I probably know. If I don't know you, though, then we need to fix this. You know where to find me. Hit me up, we'll go party. Maybe.

These next few are works in progress for the Shuto-Con t-shirt and booklet design contests! They're still being worked on, but hey-- fun stuff, right? 


Maybe you can wear one of these. I'd love you if you did <3


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hey man, woah man.

Oh, Monsieur blog-- how long has it been? Too long, you may say, but I bring you good news. I have returned from San Francisco unscathed and burdened with much junk from China Town. I wish that I had more good news for you, but it's been a long past couple of days... and I have no motivation to put much up right now. I'll try a little harder tomorrow, maybe when I'm not quite so tired. I bid you adieu until the morrow (or later, depending).


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Itty, bitty

Hey, hey, hey, everybody!

I hope you're doing well. Me? I'm great. Never been better. Well, except for one thing.

My eraser is too itty, bitty.

Seriously, I think this may be the laziest I've been with an eraser. I can hardly hold onto the silly thing. Womp, womp.

On a slightly more serious note (not really), I am working on some new, beautiful stuff for you, my lovelies. I just started up a deviantart account ( in case that's what y'all fancy. I'll still be posting on here first, though. I wouldn't abandon you; we've been through way too much to part ways now. 

Uh, what else...

Eh, nothing.

Farewell, my beloved, I have curry to make.


Ok, one more thing. I updated an older piece, and it makes me MEOW with excitement. ... Meow.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Welcome, one and all-- I have some news.

I broke down and opened up an Etsy shop.

After assessing my stock, I realized that I was being very selfish. After all, doesn't the general public deserve to experience my illustrations just as much as I do? The answer is yes. A dripping, sinful yes. Here is my shop url for those of you who love me.

Go, please. My deals are so crazy, it's no wonder that I need to get out of the house more. Well, some people say that. I have no idea where they got that impression. If there's anything that I am, it's NOT a crazy, dog-loving hermit. NOT. I mean, really.

(Oh, here's some stuff that you can either SEE and BUY at the store, or you will be able to soon. I love you guys.)

...Wow, I may or may not have a problem with my dog. Yeah, it is what it is.

More soon,
